
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
The After Show Talks to Brian Charles from Bangkok
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
This week, The After Show welcomes Brian Charles. Brian traveled all the way from Mr. Jonathan’s favorite city, and he shares some insights on the cigar world in Thailand.
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.

Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Cigar Industry Prediction Show
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Every year it is the most talked about and anticipated episode, the Cigar Industry Predictions show so grab your tinfoil hat and join in on the conspiracy happening within the cigar industry. Sure, some of it educated guesses along with some uneducated guesses but we find it fun and according to listener feedback you do too.
It also happens to be Dos Hombres Day at Two Guys Smoke Shop as they celebrate 30 years of the brand Dos Hombre which is the best value in the cigar industry. In the first hour we fire up a cigar from the care package, Dos Hombre Dominican Natural and in the cigar hour the boys pick another from the Dos Hombre line.
We will have this and all the usual suspects including Versus, Offer of the Day, Cigar News and a peek into the Asylum.
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.
Never miss an episode by subscribing to the show via Apple Podcasts and Podbean.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
The After Show Talks Cold Weather Cigars
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
This week, The After Show welcomes Steve Zengel from Los Caidos. It’s a cold day in N.H., so the talk naturally turns to which cigars are best for cold weather, outdoor smoking.
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
A Cigar Made For Fallen Police & Firefighters
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
This week The Cigar Authority welcomes to the show Steve Zengel from Los Caidos Cigars. Los Caidos is Spanish for The Fallen and it is made at the Aganorsa factory in Nicragua. The cigar comes as a red band for the Fire Department, and a blue band for the Police Department with the blend being the same for both. For each cigar sold, $1 is donated by Los Caidos to family members of fallen police and firefighters. We will discuss this phenomenonal project with the mastermind behind it.
In the second hour we light up a cigar on the blind. Dave, Mr. Jonathan, Barry and Ed are all members of the Cigar Journal tasting panel and we will fire up a cigar that we only know by the number. We will put our sleuthing caps on and try to figure out what this cigar as we review it on air.
We will have this and all the usual suspects including Versus, Offer of the Day, Cigar News and a peek into the Asylum.
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.
Never miss an episode by subscribing to the show via Apple Podcasts and Podbean.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
The After Show Talks About The Super Bowl, Miami and Cigars
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
This week The After Show talks about the Dave’s exploits while he was at TPE and The Super Bowl. What did he learn and does he have any good stories to share?
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.

Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Dave Returns With Insider Information From TPE ’20
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
This week Dave returned from Tobacco Plus Expo and on The Cigar Authority this week he will spill the beans and let us know what he saw and what he heard in Las Vegas. We know one thing, the show was packed. But what was the buzz? What was being discussed in hush tones? You won’t want to miss out on the show as Dave pulls back the curtains. We will fire up Kristoff Criollo as we discuss that and more in the first hour.
In the second hour we smoking something we picked up at the show from Crowned Heads as we smoke Juarez. The cigar is named after a town mentioned in Cocaine Blues which was made famous by Johnny Cash. Also a listener chimes in about not being happy about the performance of Barry & Mr. J last week.
We will have this and all the usual suspects including Versus, Offer of the Day, Cigar News and a peek into the Asylum.
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.
Never miss an episode by subscribing to the show via Apple Podcasts and Podbean.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
The After Show Talks About Starting a New Brand
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
This week The After Show talks about the challenges of starting a new brand today. What are the considerations and how might you go about it? We also tackle some other listener feedback.
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.

Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Your Burning Cigar Questions Answered
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
With Dave on his way to Miami for the Super Bowl after spending a week in Las Vegas at TPE, the boys take charge of the show. Will they be stooges or musketeers?
In the first hour Mr. Jonathan is in charge of the show we fire up one of his favorite cigars that happens to be part of the February Care Package. We smoke 22N / 83W as we address your burning cigar questions that we’ve asked you to send in over the past few weeks.
In the second hour Barry takes over as we smoke Southern Drawn Jacobs Ladder which features Pennsylvania Broadleaf tobacco. We will look into the history of the wrapper and discuss the differences between it in its Broadleaf cousin from Connecticut. In addition we will take a look at the big game and some of the crazy prop bets that are available.
We will have this along with Easy-Going Ed and all the usual suspects including Versus, Offer of the Day, Cigar News and a peek into the Asylum.
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.
Never miss an episode by subscribing to the show via Apple Podcasts and Podbean.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
The After Show Talks About Customer Service
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
This week The After Show talks about customer service. How can retailers compete by providing superior service to the customer?
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.

Saturday Jan 25, 2020
We Prepare For Tobacco Plus Expo 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
With all the controversy and separation in the cigar industry we prepare for the TPE – Tobacco Plus Expo 2020 where all parties in the tobacco world will unite. What is scheduled and what is not but will happen anyway… we’ll discuss today on The Cigar Authority.
We will look at the players in the industry from giant corporations to small family businesses and from the manufacturers to the retailers. Who will be there and who will not be in attendance. We will do this while we smoke a cigar from the care package, Aganosa Leaf Connecticut.
In the second hour, Dave will be leaving TPE for Miami to attend Super Bowl LIV. What are his plans and what will the boys do while he is gone. We will do this while smoking La Galera Anemoi.
We will have this all the usual suspects including Versus, Offer of the Day, Cigar News and a peek into the Asylum.
The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at http://www.2GuysCigars.com/.
Never miss an episode by subscribing to the show via Apple Podcasts and Podbean.